Saturday, March 22, 2008

Sock Diary

Starting off
After one false start (me knitting in to the wrong part of my cast on) and being kindly shown a new way to cast on. My first sock started on the saterday of our weekend away. The sock then came for a trip to the pub, this however only cased problems to it. On the sunday it had an outing at the tea shop, although not for long. By the end of the weekend away I had the very top bit done. Slow going I know but I dont knit fast on two needles let alone four of the pointy things.

Getting Further
A little bit of knitting did happen during the week- but only in gaps at work. The crochet was feeling abandoned after a weekend with out being touched. However a nice long train trip proved just the ticket. One sock now in hibernation till I learn to do heels.
There is a slight problem of being able to tell where I'm changing needles but this is my first trip into the dpn world. On the whole I'm happy with progress so far.

Last weekend in Oxford

I had a good weekend, lots of good food and just being away from home. The buildings down their are lovely, but not they aint Durham but I would say that. We where only there a couple of days so didnt do much. The Natural History Museum and the Pitt Rivers where the only places we went round. well other then a bit of a walk round the collages.. It was great seeing in real life skelitons that I had studied in text books. The insect collections where also amazing. The Pit Rivers is an odd colection of just about every thing, all in cases of similar things. It was a lot to take in when you arnt expecting it. It was great just wandering around looking at things some so old but brilliently crafted. There was also a lot of textile crafts including a case of spindals. Not a good photo I know but it was dark in there and I didn't want to be using the flash.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Weekend away

Well this weekend was wonderfull, and I would like to thank all who where there for making it so with ther lovely company.
Sometimes you just need a stressfree weekend, with wonderfull company, good food, sandy beaches, and lots of wool.
Most pictures seem to be of the beach - very unlike me ;-).
however lots of fun was had and I started my socks with the aid of Pinkphish - when I get the time they are going to get their own entry- maby a mini diary of their own.

here are people felting

and the is the beach looking very atmospheric