Tuesday, May 20, 2008


A true rambling think this may not make sence in the morning, but hay that is what hapens after 3 hr sleep then still being up at 1130.

My lovely snowflake runing around and enjoying life - hard to take a picture of yourself doing this
I like this picture
It reminds me of carefree days of youth where you enjoyed life to the full and questioned so much.
I know I go threw stages of remembering to live life to the full tale every chance going.
but sometimes as an adult you have other things that drain you and take you from your own life.
It is always important to remember what makes you happy, and have fun in your life sometimes you also have to learn when to leave things in your life that are draining and bad for you, and do the things that are good for you.
even when life is plotting against you there are always good things weather it is a picture like above, a call from a old friend, or a word from a loved one

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Marianne Mobius Wrap

here is a close up of the shawl

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Sisters wedding

Well another delayed post from my world.
Well another year and another little sister got married - belive me im getting sick of the when is it your turn questions,
So here is the happy couple

And almost a year on another picture of all six of us together - its is great getting us all together just don't happen that often these days. We have also let Ella into this one