Sunday, September 23, 2007

Walking in the woods

Well it is deffently Autumn the leaves are turning and falling and the blackberries are out in full force, and delicious this year.
However with all the changes they keep making in the woods, to sort out the dead and dying from last years fires. I keep losing the paths I follow. Now I admit to just following little trails not big proper paths but still. I have now learnt the best way to find them is to just let Chloe follow some scent trails and spotted the path. It's like life sometimes you need to get lost befor you find yourself.

Sunday, September 09, 2007


Sunday, September 02, 2007


I would like to introduce Mad (Maddison). He is technicly my sisters, sister in laws rabbit. But now he has come to live with me, much to kimbers distress at now haveing to time share his run.