Monday, September 15, 2008

My garden

I am now settled in my little flat, and most of the inside is sorted. So now I am turning my attention to the garden. At the moment this is the state of it.

This is a great improvement on the jungle it was, but still not brilliant.
The veg patch is starting to look like it could be planted, and each time I turn it over I uncover less junk which is good.
The other side, with regular attacks is slowly becoming more of a grass area. A few more attacks and I will sort out the boarder for the bulbs to go in ready for the spring. Although that is dependent on a bit of dry weather to cut the grass back again.
My problem now is the area in front of where the veg is going to go.

This part is plagued by tree roots and bits of trees that are trying to regrow, and a drain cover.
I have no idea what to do with this part of the garden. Other then fire to the trees that is, and now it is starting to bug me. Originally it was just going to be grass, then I thought about a herb garden now I just want rid of the trees. Any suggestions are most welcome though.


Unknown said...

How about gravelling it over, and having your herbs in pots? You could put a BBQ there in the summer, if we get one next year....

The Knit Nurse said...

You could do what I did and build a couple of raised beds and put your herbs in there. You could paint them pretty colours since they're next to your door. Cheer things up over the winter. :)