Just about all of these changes have been positive and great learning experiences, admittedly some have also had their not so good bits, but you learn and grow just as much if not more so from that.
The year has included changing jobs at work, turning 30, and our old family home finally being sold, but these are all small things compared to the two biggest changes,
The biggest change has been the latest which is little baby Robert william. He has completely turned our world around but in the best possible way.

The next biggest change was probably moving - again. So my little flat has been changed for a house, and living on my own to living with si again. The house is on the edge of the estate so we have some great views out the front.
Which are very seasonal with all the snow at the moment, although not that good for going out with a tiny baby.
So as 2009 draws to an end and 2010 begins I can definitely look back and say it has been a year with love laughter and tears, good friends old and new and that i have learnt a lot.
I just hope 2010 is a good year with as much love and joy but maybe not so many big changes and moving of houses this year.